The Brunstad Foundation has a non-profit purpose, and is a trading organization with business activities in subsidiary limited companies. Foundations are defined as independent legal entities which cannot be owned by anyone. A foundation can be said to be “owned by its purpose.”

The purpose of the Brunstad Foundation is to promote Christian, missionary-oriented, humanitarian or public benefit projects.

The Brunstad Foundation manages assets and properties and operates business activities through its subsidiaries.

The board of the Brunstad Foundation is responsible for ensuring safe management and organization.

Oslofjord Holding AS owns the Oslofjord Convention Center AS and Oslofjord Property.

The Oslofjord Group consists of the two sister companies; Oslofjord Property AS and Oslofjord Convention Center AS.


The Board of Directors of the Brunstad Foundation safeguards various disciplines in the best interests of the purpose of the business, in order to shape strategic direction, manage risk and ensure good control procedures.

Alf Aadalen
Chairman and ceo

Tore Aslaksen
Board member

Gro Weissgerber Gjøsund 
Board member