- The Brunstad Foundation is run as a business entity but for a non-profit Purpose. As is commonly known, a foundation is an independent legal entity, which may not be owned by any one person. One way of expressing it is that it is “owned by its Purpose” and its activities are run solely according to the Articles of Association. Such an organizational form is subject to the Foundation Supervisory Authority, which among other things ensures that the values involved are administered in harmony with the Purpose.
- The Brunstad Foundation’s Purpose is to promote the Doctrine, the Values and the Christian content that Johan O. Smith personified. Further, the Articles of Association specify how the Purpose is to be promoted and the kind of activities the Foundation may engage in.
- The Brunstad Foundation manages property and operates business activities. The Foundation was established by the Brunstad Christian Church to create a clear distinction between the Church as a religious community on the one hand, and business and property management on the other hand.
- The board of the Brunstad Foundation is responsible for ensuring safe management and organization. In order to properly manage Brunstad’s Values, the Brunstad Foundation deems it appropriate to facilitate sound commercial operations through subsidiary businesses.